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Build a comprehensive solution focused on your “what and why” and reported in progress to goal.


What you count, counts.

Transfer fear into prudence, pain into information, mistakes into initiation, and desire into undertaking. Honor is defined by what you are in the eyes of others; i.e., faithful, respected, with integrity. It’s what is untouchable and intangible. This stage is characterized by fragmented and siloed financial solutions bolted on through years with no cohesive structure. Vendors offer the how, but without a leader to deconstruct the silos with what and why to align the people, the strategy, and the execution to achieve results, the cost of mediocrity is revealed.

As an executive, you require a comprehensively led solution focused on your what and why and reported in progress to goal. Though it seems like table stakes for most professional executives, no one on Wall Street executes the discipline to achieve these personal results.

We call it honor, the Greeks call it Ethos, the Japanese call it Bushido, and Tecumseh wrote a great poem about it:

Context of the Market
Dynamic asset-level investing
Rank market field position and leadership
Systematic ways to play offense and defense
Cash bogey test
Money market percentile rank
SPX vs. money market
Asset scoring — stocks/funds
Trend analysis
Peer-relative strength
Market-relative strength
What the industry provides vs. what investors want
People and Strategy
Get a risk profile
Define your risk vs. reward thresholds
Get a plan
Measure your lifestyle expectation vs. market results
Get a framework strategy
Company stock-asset score
401(k) holding matrix asset score
Financial planning
Risk allocation statement
Company stock monetization strategy
One-page plan
Fixed Rate
Life insurance strategy
Fixed Rate
Property and casualty insurance strategy
Fixed Rate
Tax strategy
Fixed Rate
Legal strategy
Fixed Rate
Liquidity strategy
Fixed Rate
Lending strategy
Fixed Rate
Get a goal — define success
Define your key performance indicators (KPIs)
Fixed Rate
Get a dashboard
Report and track progress to goal regularly
Custom Reporting
Report and track successes and failures, including what was learned
Custom Reporting
This is a journey, not a destination … do it again.
Execution and Results
Executive benefit analysis
Company stock analysis daily — alert if status change
Company stock-asset scoring
Restricted stock units (RSU)
Incentive stock options (NQSO and QSO)
Executive retirement plan
401(k) plan holdings stack ranked monthly
Executive deferred compensation
Fixed Rate
Asset management and reporting
Technical “stress test” of current holdings
DIY advisory account
PFO tactical “TILT” asset management
Asset Mgmt Fee
PFO balanced asset management
Asset Mgmt Fee
PFO sector stock asset management
Asset Mgmt Fee
PFO “core” asset management
Asset Mgmt Fee
PFO ETF alchemy
Asset Mgmt Fee
Review and reporting — annual, semiannual, quarterly
Custom Report (Semi-Annually)
Account aggregator
Bank, brokerage, mortgage, lending, credit card, etc.
Tax/legal document vault
Home office visit
RJ St. Petersburg, Florida, home office visit
PFO Crested Butte, Colorado, home office visit
PFO Plano, Texas home, office visit

Standard – Included under the overall fee for this service plan.

Fixed Rate – Optional and can be included for an additional fixed cost.

Asset Management Fee – Optional and can be included for an additional fee.

Every investor’s situation is unique, and you should consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon before making any investment. Investing involves risk, and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. 

For a complete list of fees and available services, please consult the most current Form ADV (Part 2A) and the Client Services Agreement that you may obtain from your Advisor.


Learn more from a Pulliam Family Office representative.​

Give us a call, and we’ll take it from there.